Grow in Grace Podcast
Our mission is to encourage women to think deeply about God so that they can know and love Him more.
Grow in Grace Podcast
Shepherds, Angels and a Proclamation
Scripture to read:
Luke 2:8-20
Romans 10:14-15
How did you first hear the gospel? Who told you, and how did you respond?
God does not need messengers to communicate His gospel. Why do you think He charged the shepherds with sharing the Good News of Jesus’ birth? Why do you think He charges us with sharing the Good News of salvation?
Did sharing the news of Jesus’ birth feel like a burden or a joy to the shepherds? Why? How do you feel about sharing the gospel? What might help you consistently view it as a joyful calling?
What fears keep you from sharing the news that Jesus has come to save sinners? Look up Colossians 1:3-6. How might the assurance in this passage increase your boldness?
In prayer, praise God for loving the weak, despised, and lowly. Thank Him for the person or means He used to share the gospel with you and ask Him for the boldness and faith to do the same.
Suggested Songs:
Hark! The Herald Angels Sing
Angels We Have Heard on High
While Shepherds Kept Their Watch By Night
Come Ye Lofty, Come Ye Lowly