
Kristen Fessler

Kristen grew up on the mission field of Panama and from an early age was taught the Gospel. She became a believer as a young child and has spent many years serving in different ministries. She went to Baptist Bible College in Springfield, MO where she attended the church that would become pivotal to her growth and discipleship. There, she learned how to study Scripture and the importance of accountability in the believer’s life. That began an ongoing journey of reading the Bible for herself and learning as much as she can about who God is and the impact that should make in our daily lives.

She can talk your ear off about God’s goodness and how we can see it displayed in every situation.  She is currently a member of Redeeming Grace Church and is recently married to Matthew, who is the most loyal listener of Grow in Grace. She also, like any good millennial, loves coffee, plants and her dog.