Grow in Grace Podcast


Shanna Dinsmore and Kristen Fessler Season 3 Episode 19

Read: Luke 1:26-28, Isaiah 7:14, Luke 2:8-14, Ephesians 2:14-16,Colossians 3:12-17

Sing: Away in a Manger

Family Time: 

  1. Continue making your nativity set. This week, create the baby Jesus piece and add it to the set. 
  2. Draw or paint what you think the night sky might have looked like when the angels appeared to the shepherds. 
  3. When you see Christmas lights, talk about which lights and houses are your favorites and why. We are attracted to lights because we are made for the Light. Talk with your children about how these lights remind us of Jesus, the best and perfect Light of the World. 

Questions to Consider:

  • Think through the Story of Scripture. List some of the different ways that we see “God with us” throughout the Bible. 
  • Think about a time when your life wasn’t peaceful. Where did you seek comfort? 
  • Why does the Advent season bring peace to those who believe in Jesus? 

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