Grow in Grace Podcast


Shanna Dinsmore and Kristen Fessler Season 3 Episode 18
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00:00 | 14:08

Read: Genesis 3, Exodus 3:7-22, Mark 13:32-37, Isaiah 9:1-7,


Family Time: 

  1. Create an Advent wreath to use throughout the Advent season. 
  2. Create a nativity scene to use throughout the Advent season. If you would like to make this activity last the entire season, consider creating just the stable, animals, and Mary and Joseph this week. 

Questions to consider:

  • Read Genesis 3. How does beginning the Advent story here instead of the New Testament change your perspective as we enter this season? 
  • Where we put our hope ultimately matters. Are there people, things, or circumstances you are putting your hope in right now instead of in Christ? 
  • How does the hope and longing we experience as we wait for Christmas day prepare our hearts as we hope and long for Jesus’ return? 

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